That’s Medicaid
Health insurance coverage provides people with access to the care they need—when they need it. That’s Medicaid shares stories of people helped by Medicaid at critical points in their lives.

When Normal No Longer Exists

A Lifeline

Dominique G. / East Orange, New Jersey

Her story in four photos

“If Medicaid was not an option, I don’t think I would be receiving the care that I have now.”

Diagnosed with sickle cell disease (SCD) at six years old and in the foster care system, Dominique was under the care of family members, who knew this rare disease would shape her life. SCD is an inherited blood disorder which breaks down red blood cells causing life threatening illnesses, impacting 1 out of every 365 Black or African American births.

To treat SCD, Dominque has had to spend much of her time in hospitals and visiting doctors, as well as adapt her home life to make living comfortably possible.

With Medicaid, she’s able to see a hematologist regularly, receive the appropriate equipment and medications to make living at home possible, seek mental health care to treat past trauma she’s experienced because of her disease, and receive treatment for any potential medical emergencies.

“If Medicaid was not an option, I don’t think I would be receiving the care I have now,” she says. “Knowing that I was covered by Medicaid, my family and I were at ease.”

Video: Hear Dominique's Story in Her Own Words