That’s Medicaid
Health insurance coverage provides people with access to the care they need—when they need it. That’s Medicaid shares stories of people helped by Medicaid at critical points in their lives.

When A Diagnosis Throws Life Off Course

A Lifeline

Bridget L. / San Diego, California

Her story in four photos

Bridget needs hours of in-office dialysis each week to stay alive.

Managing kidney disease

Bridget was 17 when she noticed her ankles were swollen, leading to a 20-year odyssey managing kidney disease.

Two failed kidney transplants

After two failed kidney transplants, she had to leave a career she loved to move home with her parents and get the support she desperately needed.

Two failed kidney transplants
Covered by Medicare

To stay alive, Bridget receives dialysis for four hours a day, three times each week, at a clinic near her home. She is covered by Medicare and Medicaid.

To have a regular life

“I was determined to have a regular life—and hope someday I still can. For now, I am so grateful to have access to the dialysis—we call it ‘life-alysis’—I need to stay alive.”

To have a regular life

Video: Hear Bridget's Story in Her Own Words